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Learning Magic and Animism in a Global Context -

Dec 19, 2021

Austinmas comes but twice a year!

Yes, it’s the traditional half-yearly forecast with the one and only Austin Coppock.

Join us as we explore the space weather for the next six months, as well as a discussion on how to be with said space weather. (And stick around for the amusing tech fails on both sides of...

Dec 9, 2021

This week, we are joined by essayist and filmmaker, Niles Heckman. Among other things, Niles is the co-creator of the Shamans of the Global Village series. So we talk about that, obviously.

And we also talk about creativity, filmmaking, the power of the essay format, as well as how -or if it's possible- to...

Dec 2, 2021

Continuing our revisitations this week, we turn to the archonology series -a long running exploration of power and conspiracy.

And you know what? A lot of these have held up pretty well. I especially like how so many of the videos shared in the posts are now gone from YouTube, and how many links have died. It’s...